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Email Server Back Online - Email Status

Our E-mail system back on line

Dec 1, 2024 @ 6:30am

Email Server Down - Email Problems

we are working to fix our email system we are sorry for any problems this may course

Nov 26, 2024 @ 7:30pm

Server Downtime - Reboot

Server reboot issued for updates and new registrations and approve system fixed.

july 22, 2024 @ 3:30pm


It is with great sadness that we report that our good friend Mitch (EA7KDO) has become a silent key on 2/6/24.

For those fortunate enough to have known Mitch, his profound impact and unwavering friendship are undeniable.

The memory of Mitch Savage will endure indefinitely, his legacy forever etched in our hearts.

As the founder of the TGIF Network, Mitch leaves behind a remarkable contribution to ham radio and beyond.

This upcoming Friday's TGIF net will be dedicated to Mitch, providing a space for us to gather, reminisce, and honor his remarkable life and achievements.

Rest in peace, Mitch.

Our heartfelt condolences extend to Mitch's wife and family during this difficult time.

Feb 06, 2024

Upstream link issue

The issues in Chicago are actually due to components in our routers overheating, due to a major datacenter outage with their cooling system.

We are unable to stop the packet loss for now as a result. We are actively monitoring for updates from the facility on a fix.

JAn 14, 2024 @ 11:48:10 AM PT

Hello TGIF Members - TGIF Server Funding

we have had to make a PayPal donation pot, to pay for our new servers as the old servers were all on NFO, we now have 3 servers that are on different providers and PayPal was the easy way to pay all in one go. Please all that had setup recurring payment on our old system they have now been cancelled, can you please setup again if would like on the new system, the link will be posted on the network dashboard in a few places until we get the funds to a set level, thanks in advance and Rob will be talking about it on friday nights Net. A small donation would greatly be appreciated and goes to the funding of our new Servers we have had to expand. Thanks so much for your support for TGIF. Here is a link..

If you wish to donate, you may do so by clicking the donation button here:

jun 21, 2023 @ 06:20 PM CDT

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