Talkgroup Description
CSRA Talk welcomes all amateur radio operators around the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) and beyond. Join us to connect, rag chew, and share local information. All amateur radio operators are welcome to use this talk group.
You can now access this DMR talk group via other modes:
- Allstar: KK4CNM 608490 or KC9ASC 611491
- DMR: AmComm Network TG 31134 CSRA Talk
- DMR: TGIF Network TG 358 CSRA Talk
- D-Star: Reflector XLX358
- Echo Link: KK4CNM-R
- Echo Link: KC9ASC-L
Our DMR Repeaters around the CSRA:
- The W4DV DMR UHF Repeater is located in Trenton, SC at 700 feet elevation using 100 Watts providing DMR coverage across the CSRA and beyond. 442.550 RX +5 Offset CC1, Time Slot 1 = TG 358 Only, Time Slot 2 = All other TGIF Talkgroups
- The KK4CNM VHF DMR Repeater is on the TGIF network and located in Grovetown, GA 147.195 + CC1 TS1=358, TS2= All other talk groups.
- The K4KNS UHF DMR repeater is in Evans, GA, and will be connected to the TGIF network soon. The repeater is on air on 444.900 +5 CC15 TS1=358, TS2=985
Our Analog FM 220 Repeater:
- The KK4CNM 220 FM Repeater is located in Grovetown, GA providing 220Mhz FM coverage and bridging analog FM data to DMR talk group 358. You can access the repeater on RX: 224.500 Mhz - 1.6 Offset Tx: 222.950 Mhz 71.9 PL Tone.