Talkgroup Description
The Metamucil Guys talkgroup has been created in the spirit of amateur radio, to further our hobby through fellowship and shared knowledge.
All are welcome here and you're likely to find some of the old drive time crew from the 145.230 repeater near Charlotte, NC hanging out here as the years and life have made it challenging to catch up on the air via other means. We keep discussions about politics and religion to a minimum, but most anything else is fair game. Be warned, discussions often circle back to food...mountain cookin', piedmont BBQ, coastal seafood...anything from Murphy to Manteo that's possibly on the menu!
The Metamucil Guys talkgroup name was lovingly selected from an old tradition on the "523" repeater that my friend Jeff, KA4WYC began many years ago on New Years Eve: The Metamucil Net! The Metamucil Net began as a light-hearted look at ourselves, the aches and pains of growing older, remembrance of brothers and sisters who had become SK during the year, but most importantly, everything that our group had to be thankful for during that year. The net would pick up sometime after the nightly nets had wound down for the evening. Informal roundtable chatter kept the repeater busy and we'd reflect on life for the year until midnight when we would ring in the New Year on the air. Good Lord willing, The Metamucil Net will carry on here on the TGIF Network.
Thank you to Robert, Mitch, Ty, and the rest of the team for the TGIF Network and for hosting this talkgroup. 73 de W4EV
On December 30, 2021 we lost my friend, mentor, and originator of the Metamucil Net -- Jeff Blythe, KA4WYC following a brief illness. There were so many moving parts to losing him so quickly that there was no Metamucil Net held for the 2021/2022 New Years Eve night. Good Lord willing, I'll pick up the reigns and we will resume the Metamucil Net for 2022/2023 in honor of SK Jeff Blythe, forever KA4WYC the "Wild Yellow Chicken"!